R9pK1d Visit this site, @ http://google.com/webmasters/tools/verification click on add property, add ur site URL nd click on meta tag nd copy the meta tag code nd paste it in ur header tags for xtgem nd click on verify , view ma
R9pK1d Step To Add My Xtgem Site On Google Search : To add your Xtgem site on Google Search Engine do the following steps : 1.First of all you need to login to your Google Account . 2.Then go to the flowing address : https:// www.google.com /webmasters 3.Click on the "ADD A SITE" button . 4.Enter your Xtgem site address and click on the Continue button . 5.Now you enter to the Verification page . 6.Just copy down the Meta tag to your Xtgem site header . 7.Click on the varify button . 8.You are done . After you do the following things on Google Webmaster Tools you need to an another steps to show your Xtgem site at Google search . You need to make a sitemap for your xtgem site the sitemap contain each and every url address of your site . Xtgem have no function to create sitemap so you need to create a sitemap using an out souce web site . Click me to create own sitemap : http:// www.xml- sitemaps.com/ After creating site map you need to do the following things on Google Webmaster Tools and in your Xtgem site . 1.Upload the sitemap in to your Xtgem site using the File-browser . 2.Copy down the url address of the sitemap : http://address.xtgem.com /sitemap.xml 3.Get in to the Google Webmaster Tools . 4.Click on your site address . 5.Click on the Sitemap's button on the right side of the website . 6.Click on the Add/Test Sitemap button on the right side of the website . 7.Add your sitemap address in the textbox and click on the Submit sitemap . 8.You are done . Your Xtgem site will be display on Google Search with in 24 hour's after your sitemap adding . To add your new pages that you created on your Xtgem site just need to update your sitemap . I hope you well enjoyed this